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The grin on Sabre's.... Sorry, I'm not available Sabre_Wild_Heart
05/17/1999 05:46 pm EDT
face was big, almost as big as her plans for the party. Sabre wanted everyone to have a good time, especially Soul. She hoped this would be just the thing to relax him. Already she had hired the acrobats, dancers and musicians. a group of gypsy's were coming as well. With their fortune teller's, Trick riders and dagger throwing contest, she knew it was going to be one hell oof a party. The food and every kind of drink there is, would be abundants. No one would go hungry or sober (well, except for her) that
night. Thankfully the furnishings for the master chamber & guest rooms had arrived the day before. All that was left were the furnishings for the lower rooms.

The keep held 8 guest rooms in all, each very richly appointed. Sabre turned, grabbing Mys' arm, she pulled her torwards the stairs..

"I have to show you the room I've set aside for you on your visits. I hope you like it." Once upstairs, she showed Mys the other rooms first, as she was getting kinda worried if Mys was going to like hers. Standing outside the door, she watched as Mys turned the knob and walk in. She heard Mys grasp, and prayed it was from her liking of it. Sabre walked in and looked
around at the very tropical room. The bed was made of a rough wood she couldn't pronounce, in a style she had never seen. Strange plants were
every where, the room looked like a jungle. Mys hadn't moved, she just continued to look around. Quietly, Sabre said, "The pirate i got all this
from told me she got it off a ship that had left your homeland. I thought you might like it,"

Nervously waiting Mys reaction, Sabre looked at Mys' back..........
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