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Out of the corner.... Sorry, I'm not available Sabre_Wild_Heart
1/2/00 7:21 pm
of her eye, Sabre saw Soul charge the clearing as well as about 8 others. Wrapping one arm around her son, Sabre tried to make her way to Soul. Her steps were slow as she kept her eyes on the men in front of her. She heard the clash of blades and knew Soul was fighting them off. Holding up her katana, she pointed it at the toothless rake who stood gefore her grinning. Her insides shook so bad she was afraid she was going to throw up.
She didn't realize the man was a decoy, that one stood behind her, until his hand came down hard on her sword arm. The katana fell to the ground with a thud. Tears came to her eyes as she hugged Colin closer.She felt the pull as the one behind her tugged on her hair. Crying out for Soul, Sabre looked around frantic for any sign of him. As the unseen man pulled her around, she saw Soul laying unconsious on the ground, a large knot on his head. Looking at the man in front of her she cried,,,
" Please,don't hurt my son,, he's just a baby".
The man grinned wickedly at her, his hidious toothless grin making her sick. His words cut her deep,,,
"Oh don't worry pretty pretty, as long as you do as your told,we won't hurt the babe, but you give us one spot of trouble and the babe dies".
Sabre felt her heart drop to her feet. Hugging her son tighter, her tears feel faster down her cheeks.
" You just make us lots of money at Miz Bella's and everything will just fine".
Sabre felt the bile rise up in her throat as she was taken away. She stared at Soul as she was pushed pass him and prayed he was alive.
One sneered as he pulled her up on the saddle before him none too gently, his hands grabbing her hard.
Turning back to look once more for Soul, Sabre saw they just left him there. Fresh tears ran down her face, she couldn't take her eyes off him. Gasping at the sudden jolt as the horse bolts forwards, Sabre feels her son stir against her. Softly she whispers to him trying to keep him quiet, her heart still laying back at the camp with Soul....
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